Laura zahra mcdonald wiki
Successful doctoral candidate at the University of York.!
Dr Laura Zahra McDonald (Connect Futures).
Dr Laura Zahra McDonald
What do you do as the Director of ConnectJustice?
ConnectJustice is a social enterprise working with communities, civil society and state agencies to build trust and collaboration around issues of social justice, with a focus on extremism and exploitation.
We achieve this through research, evaluation, training and facilitation. This means I get to work with people from many different backgrounds and sectors, on a range of projects at any one time. This might include: research with academic partners, such as our study with former violent extremists and their families; our regular forums to facilitate learning and trust-building between different community organisations, activists and state agencies; and our training projects for young people around political and social engagement.
My role is very varied, designing and often helping to deliver projects, liaising with clients, and running the business end