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          Georges seurat cause of death

          Georges seurat interesting facts!

          The Models

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          The Models is oil on canvas painting by George Seurat created between 1886 and 1888 and held by the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia.

          The painting, also known as The Three Models and Les Poseuses, was revealed in 1888 at the Salon Des Independents. The piece is the third in George Seurat's six main works.

          Les poseuses

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        2. Georges seurat interesting facts
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        5. The models were George's reaction to detractors, who deemed his skill inferior for being cold and unable to represent life. He offered a naked illustration of models in three different poses, disrobing, posing, and dressing in the artist's studio as an answer.

          On the left side, the model sits with a partial robe, showing her back to the viewer, while in the center, the model stands before the viewer, grasping her hands, and sits with her stockings on the right side. Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jetta hangs on the left side of the studio wall.

          The Models is regarded as unique