Hiraki sawa fragment meaning

          Hiraki Sawa's videos explore psychological landscapes, unexpected worlds and the interweaving of domestic and imaginary spaces.

        1. Through the art videos with multi layers of meaning, Hiraki brings to the audience a notion of time, memory, the migration, the movement of.
        2. The work is presented in fragments – small, scattered images so that it is not easy for the audience to grasp the full story in the beginning.
        3. Based in London and Ishikawa Prefecture.
        4. Fragment of curatorial text by Maria Hinel @mariaborshchevska ⠀ Hiraki Sawa Wall, Single channel video in vintage box (stereo sound) Duration 5'
        5. The work is presented in fragments – small, scattered images so that it is not easy for the audience to grasp the full story in the beginning.!

          Hiraki Sawa (born 1977, Japan) gained his BFA at the University of East London and MFA from the Slade, University of London.

          Sawa's work has been described as Hypnagogic and after viewing his work I can understand the suggestion.

           The world he creates within his videos could indeed be imagined as being sited within the transition between sleep and wakefulness although Sawa himself would claim that he is 'simply shifting his frame of reality' (http://www.parafin.co.uk/artists--hiraki-sawa.html).

          The 'reality' that Sawa invokes is akin to that invoked in childhood when a simple toy becomes the trigger or catalyst for the creation of an entire imaginary world.

          The organisation / curating of the show worked very well I thought.

          As I entered the exhibition area the first pieces I saw were small, intimate and required me to bend down to closely inspect the video footage being shown on tiny screens. Subsequently, as the show unfolded, the imagery expanded in scale almost as if I had