Youtube young life square dance

          8 years ago more..

          Open House for Square Dancing Lessons sponsored by Glenview Park District and Glenview Squares.

          Hillbilly Club

          Cowboy Club ideas:
          ROPE THE CALF – Divide guests into two teams. Prepare two 2 liter bottles filled with sand in advance, and place one about three feet in front of each team.

          Give the first child in each line a loop of rope to lasso the bottle of sand.

          The first team to lasso the “calf” wins. Variation: Each child who is able to lasso the calf wins a piece of candy.

          TEN GALLON TOSS – Position a tension rod from a doorway.

          After the square dance at Young Life's camp Lost Canyon magician Ty Gallenbeck did a couple tricks for the summer staff, program team.

        1. After the square dance at Young Life's camp Lost Canyon magician Ty Gallenbeck did a couple tricks for the summer staff, program team.
        2. Videos · Shorts · Happy Fourth!
        3. 8 years ago more.
        4. Rockbridge Square Dance · Rockbridge Summer Promo - 3min.
        5. YL Square Dance How-To (Video and Cheat Sheet) More and more clubs are using lyric videos for songs in club these days.
        6. A tree or swing set outside will work even better. Hang a rope with a loop in it from the bar and position children 3-4 feet away. Each child gets three tries to toss a felt cowboy hat through the loop like a frisbee. It’s harder than it sounds!

          PASS THE LASSO – Divide guests into two teams, facing forward.

          Each person gets a plastic straw, and the first person in each line gets a pretzel. Everyone puts the straws in their mouths, and the first person puts the pretzel on their straw and passes it to the next