Nancy taylor rosenberg biography of william hill
Nancy taylor rosenberg books in order...
Rosenberg, Nancy Taylor 1946-
Born July 9, 1946, in Dallas, TX; daughter of William Hoyt (an "oil man") and Ethel LaVerne (a homemaker) Taylor; married Calvin Skyrme (divorced, 1984); married Jerry Rosenberg (an investor); children: (first marriage) Forrest Blake, Chessly Lynn Nesci, Gerald Hoyt; (second marriage) Amy Laura, Nancy Beth.
Nancy taylor rosenberg death
Education: Attended Gulf Park College and University of California, Los Angeles. Politics: "Non-partisan." Religion: Jewish.
Home—Niguel, CA. Agent—Peter Miller, 132 W.
22nd St., 12th Fl., New York, NY 10011.
Writer, businessperson, and police officer. Dallas Police Department, Dallas, TX, police officer, 1971-75; Ventura Police Department, Ventura, CA, community service officer, 1978-81; Ventura County Probation Department, Ventura, CA, deputy probation officer, 1981-84; Video Movie Wholesalers, vice president and owner; PMA Literary & Film Mgt., Inc., president.
Has also worked as a police officer i