Ovid amores translation
Amores 11 translation
Ovid amores latin...
I pray for justice: Let the girl who has recently taken me as plunder
Either love me or make me know why I should always love (her).
Ah, I wished for too much!
Let her at least allow herself to be loved,
(then) Venus will have heard my many prayers!
Accept (me), one who shall be a slave to you through long years;
Accept (me), one who knows [how] to love you with spotless faith.
If great names of ancient ancestors do not commend
Me, if the founder of my blood is an equestrian,
Nor is my field renewed by countless plows,
And each thrifty parent regulates (my) expenses:
Yet Apollo and his nine companions and the inventor of the vine
Act on my side, and Love, who gives me to you
And loyalty [which] will yield to no-one, morals without fault,
And bare simplicity and blushing