Las balkanieras biography books

          Burek is a pastry dish comprising thin layers of dough and a variety of fillings....

          Kaplan: The Ghosts of Balkan Ghosts.

        1. Saturday saw London-based Brassroots pumping out hits by Beyonce, Radiohead and Cee-Lo Green on the trombone and tuba, Las Balkanieras.
        2. Burek is a pastry dish comprising thin layers of dough and a variety of fillings.
        3. Aleksandar Antun Patačić was a diplomat who had a family history compiled in ("Status familiae Patachich").
        4. Islet tours & concert list along with photos, videos, and setlists of their live performances.
        5. LAS BALKANIERAS are 3 beautiful women that can write hits, sing, dance, cook, wash and clean. They are originating from Croatia, Bosnia and Poland but currently residing in Düsseldorf/Germany. They are not stupid and so they teamed up with PIONIR aka PIONEAR – Europe’s most prolific Dancehall producer – to create a unique sound for their outlet.

          To conquer the world they combine an appealing appearance with references to their cultural heritage and a charming view on the nowadays role of women in general…

          In 2009 their first recording “CIRIBIRIBELA” for the reknowned GERMAICA label of their producer won LAS BALKANIERAS the prestigeous Newcomer Award“ at SPLIT ´09 Croatia’s No.1 song-festival.

          They also performed a surprise gig infront of more than 14.000 people at „Kontra Regula“ the memorial concert for Croatian Funk legend DINO DVORNIK and biggest crowd-puller that summer on the Mediterranean coast of Croatia.

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