Franciscan saints calendar
St germain patron saint.
Marie Marguerite d'Youville (1701-1771)
foundress of the Sisters of Charity
MARGUERITE d'YOUVILLE, the first native Canadian to be elevated to sainthood, was born October 15, 1701 at Varennes, Quebec.
St romuald
She was the eldest of six children born to Christophe Dufrost de Lajemmerais and Marie-Renée Gaultier. Her father died when she was seven years old leaving this family of six in great poverty. It was only through the influence of her great grandfather, Pierre Boucher, that she was enabled to study for two years at the Ursulines in Quebec.
Upon her return home, she became an invaluable support to her mother and undertook the education of her brothers and sisters.
Marie-marguerite d'youvilleShe married François d'Youville in 1722 and the young couple made their home with his mother who made life miserable for her daughter-in-law. She soon came to realize that her husband had no interest in making a home life.
His frequent absences and illegal liquor